Blog for Mr Wilkinson's History and Geography classes at Haileybury Almaty. Posts by Mr Wilkinson and his students.

Monday, 24 April 2017

The founding myth of Melaka

In history, form 1 have started looking at Malayisan history this term. This morning we looked at the founding myth of Melaka, a famous Malaysian city just a few hours drive to the south of KTJ. 

In today's lesson students looked back to their study of the Romans and thought about when they studied a myth and what a myth means. They correctly suggested that a myth is an interesting story that contains bits of truth and bits of fiction and that the story of Romulus and Remus and the start (founding) of Rome was a good example of a myth.

Students were given half of the cartoon above and were asked to write a summary of the story, before pairing up with someone with the other half of the story and explaining and the listening to understand the whole story. They then acted out the story as part of a group to demonstrate understanding.

For teachers you can make your own story board by clicking the link - Made with Storyboard ThatYou can also download this story board I made directly by clicking this link

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Features of the upper-course of a river (F4 Video Project)

In the second term form 4 have been studying rivers, including the upper course features. The upper course is an area of vertical erosion caused by abrasion. There is little horizontal erosion.

As part of their effort to create case studies for their exams, form 4 created video projects of major features found in the upper course, namely waterfalls, V-shaped valleys and potholes.

These were marked by using a marking rubric. Out of 60, these three groups received marks of 44, 36 and 32. Can you match the scores to the videos?