Blog for Mr Wilkinson's History and Geography classes at Haileybury Almaty. Posts by Mr Wilkinson and his students.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Good sample projects Form 3 Wifi course work

This term Form 3 looked at wifi connectivity in KTJ. This was their first ever piece of Geography fieldwork. For many it was the first time that they had full control of their own learning. The students were on their own other than an initial lesson on what makes a good hypothesis, scaffolding for the final project (what sections needed to be included and a marking rubric) and comments on their first draft. It is fair to say that many found it difficult and the final projects were not what they might have been.

Here are some anonymised good examples of fieldwork that was produced by students in other classes at KTJ. These case studies were used as part of a debrief when students were asked to assess where the project went well and where it could be improved upon. 

These case studies are good because they have a clear method that makes it clear to anyone who would want to repeat the experiment exactly what they would need to do. They also go beyond displaying the results, and actually interpret what they show and evaluate how more accurate results could be gathered if the experiment were to be repeated again. This is that many students failed to do this time. 

For anyone in form 3 reading - it is fine that the first attempt didn't go as well as it should have. The important thing to do is make sure that you learn from your mistakes!

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Form 1 History Project - The Battle of Hastings Videos

This term Form 1 have been studying the battle for the English throne in 1066. This was a key part of English history as it was the last time that England was successfully invaded. The winner of the three way battle, William of Normandy, also transformed how England was run for the next 500 years to come. His rise to the throne is usually seen as the start of The Medieval Era.

Unsurprisingly, as most of the class have never set foot in Europe before, many of the students struggled with all the place names and people at the start. However, with lots of scaffolding from me, hard work and boundless enthusiasm from them, they have been able to explain in detail the key events of the period. Their final task was to produce a group video presentation describing the events of 1066.

These videos were based on the content covered in the class. Students worked in groups of three or four. They were given a marking rubric to follow which reminded them what to include and what they needed to do to gain marks. 

Take a look at what the students were able to produce. As a teacher I have done no editing, only just occasionally pointed them in the right direction. All students have English as a second language and are studying European history for the first time. I think you will all agree that they have all done a great job!

Kar Li, Vanessa and Yun

Jack, Catherine and Tommy

Army, Zhi Shan and Jun Kai

Adrian, Yee Rou, Kok Sen and Kai Xin

Farhan, Kah Wei and Jason

Ghana and Millennium Development Goals (Edpuzzle)

This week in Geography form 3 have been continuing to look at global inequality. As part of this we have looked at the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Eight MDGs were set in 2000 that ran for 15 years until 2015. These goals committed the world to campaigns that would benefit humanity and the world as a whole. For example the first goal was to eradicate extreme poverty and world hunger, whilst number 5 aimed to improve maternal health. For more information follow the link to the UN here.

The Edpuzzle below is based on a news report from Ghana. It was recorded in 2011, four years before the end of the goals. As you will see, Ghana did well with some of its goals, but struggled with the provision of adequate sanitation, a part of the seventh MDG - Ensure Environmental Sustainability. If you watch right until the end, you might see a familiar (but younger) sight.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Staff Review

Now in my third year at KTJ, I have been fortunate enough to have been involved in three staff-reviews. The staff review is a Saturday evening where KTJ teachers put on a night of entertainment for all of the boarders. It is a highlight of the year for many staff and students. In previous years I have compered the event, danced to Bollywood, embarrassed myself in a mamak stall skit and been shown up that I am not smarter than a Form 1!

The event showcases why KTJ is a great school to be at. Teachers and students have a close respectful relationship. More importantly the teachers don't take themselves too seriously -  I think this year's whole staff video - a take on the Chinese song "Xing Ping Guo" proves that. Watch carefully for my sprinkler move!