Blog for Mr Wilkinson's History and Geography classes at Haileybury Almaty. Posts by Mr Wilkinson and his students.

Thursday 5 July 2018

France in WWII; The untold story of Antoine and Madeleine

During Form 3 Rattana and myself have been studying World War II. As part of this study we were challenged to find out about the impact of the war on ordinary people. We turned to our very own Houseparent, Ms  Cecile Louise Madeleine Karrer, for inspiration and we ended up finding out a very interesting area of history that we were unaware of. Antoine and Madeleine were Ms Cecile's grandparents from Alsace-Lorraine in France. Antoine was seen as a traitor by France. Whereas, Madeleine was seen as a traitor by Germany. How is this possible? 

This is Antoine Karrer - Ms.Cecile's grandfather. He was from France, born in 1921 and had been a part of World war 2. Antoine was seen as a traitor even when he was not. He was just an innocent man forced to take actions against his own country by the Germans! He could have refused to do it but why didn't he?

This is Madeleine Karrer - Ms.Cecile's grandmother. She was also born in 1921 and had been involved in World war 2. She was indeed a strong woman because what she did needed courage and many women would not dare to do such risky things! Lets find out their stories...

3rd September 1939 France and Great Britain declare war against Germany, after the invasion of Poland. After the Phoney War from 1939 to 1940 things changed in May 1940 when the Germans invaded and defeated France within 7 weeks.

How did Antoine and Madeleine meet each other ?

"My grandpa and my grandma knew each other way before the war started. Their family just somehow knew each other very well and they were like the sweethearts before they even got married. So I guess it was a love marriage."

What was Antoine and Madeleine's experiences in the war ?

In 1933, after the Treaty of Versailles, the German people voted for a leader named Adolf Hitler, who led a political party called the Nazis. Hitler promised to make his country great again and quickly began to arm Germany, to seize land from other countries. 

“My grandfather was drafted by the German army because we live in Alsace-Lorraine, an area that was annexed by Germany after the fall of France. Basically, all the men from that region were sent to the Russian front to fight for the Germans. Technically they were French but because they have been annexed, the Germans did not want them to fight in France because then it would have been made it too easy for them to run away. So my Grandpa was sent on the Russian front to fight for the Germans. My Grandmother stayed at home and she had little involvement with them but she was arrested because she passed on letters from an English pilot to the French resistance. She was then sent to a work camp.”
How was France impacted by World War II ?

When the Nazis took over Northern France, they let both the Franc and the Reichsmark be used, but one Reichsmark was worth 20 Francs. This was essentially an organised and legal form of looting, and resulted in massive food shortages, and consequently, malnutrition especially in children and the elderly.
"Obviously, a lot of people died. After the Fall of France, the Germans divided the country into an unoccupied (Vichy) and an occupied zone. Rationing was a real problem for French people to deal with. People living in the country were often better off than those in the city because they were able to supplement their rations with food from their farm or from hunting.

For my Grandpa it was difficult because he was seen as a traitor when he came back as he was fighting for the Germans, not that he chose to but he was threatened that his family would be killed if he did not fight for the Germans. So, he felt like he did not have any choice. That created a lot of tension after the war because people saw those who fought for the Germans or helped the Germans as traitors. So there was a lot of anger and tension which was just not great.”
What Country did Antoine and Madeleine come part of and why ?

If Ms.Cecile was born during Alsace-Lorraine still being part of Germany then she would have been a German.
"Originally when my grandparents were born, they were French. They were born in 1921 and they were French for a while and then early on in the war their area became annexed, so they became German. It was against their choice and against their will. So they started as French, and then they converted to German and converted back to French again later on."

Can you explain more about Alsace-Lorraine being part of France and Germany ?

The Alsace-Lorraine region was part of a "messy inheritance" between the grandsons of Charlemagne. Charlemagne was the king of the Franks. His realm stretched over the European heartland and was easily claimed by France. It was the Franks who gave France its name "La France". But the region could also be claimed by Germans since the Franks were technically Germanic people.

"Originally, Alsace-Lorraine was French, no question about that. It was a land of territory that was ceded by France to Germany in 1871 after the Franco-German war. It was then retroceded to France in 1919 after World War I, was ceded back again to Germany in 1940 during World War II, that was the second German annexation of Alsace-Lorraine and was again retroceded to France in 1945."

Did France suffer economically from the loss of Alsace-Lorraine ?

Alsace-Lorraine was rich in minerals.

"France suffered economically from the loss of Alsace-Lorraine's valuable iron ore deposits, iron and steel making, and other industries to Germany."

How did Antoine escape from the Russian front ?

"My grandpa was forced to fight for the Germans because their area was annexed by Germany so, they all were sent to fight in the Russian front. My grandpa then was injured really badly but the Germans won't admit him in a hospital. Hence, he started to pick on his wounds so that it became worse. Finally, he was taken to a hospital and then he saw a way to escape from there. He therefore walked all the way to Austria and by that time Germany and western Europe was being overrun by the allies. He then just gave himself in to the Americans."

 Was it compulsory for all to fight in the war ?

Conscription was finally introduced to France, like many other countries.

"To start with, it was voluntary and then it became that everyone was drafted so anyone who was normally over 18 and who was fit enough to fight was sent to join the army because they needed more and more people as it lasted for long."
Was there any propaganda techniques used in France to convince men to join the army ?
"Oui (Yes), there were propaganda posters and newspapers. The posters usually are made to look very attractive. Also there were radio stations announcing good things about the army and how one will be a hero."

Laissez-nous tranquilles! means Leave us in Peace!
Distribution : France during German occupation; France 

Manufacture : Paris (France) 
France is symbolized by a couple caring for the land, representing the safety and stability of France. They are threatened by three wolves labelled Freemasonry, Jews, and de Gaulle, supported by Lies, a three-headed snake, who seek to stop the regeneration of France. France was occupied by Nazi Germany from June 1940- fall 1944. The Free French were those who sought to continue the war against Germany even though France had surrendered.

Ms.Cecile Louise Madeleine Karrer

By: Azima and Rattana

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